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Heng Teng Teng
Grow Consultancy

Teng Teng started GROW in 2010 with the purpose to develop people to be more resourceful in responding to changes, doing their best work with joy. She has worked with organisations in Asia, Europe and North America. Her credentials and certifications include Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Adult Maturity Developmental Coaching, Enneagram of Personality. Teng Teng holds a Masters of Human Development & Education from the George Washington University.

As an EMCC Global Senior Practitioner and ICF PCC certified coach with 2,000 coaching hours, Teng Teng’s work is informed by a range of perspectives from the social and business sciences including the adult maturity development framework and neuroscience. She has the privilege to coach leaders ranging from MDs, GMs, SVPs to Region Heads from various Fortune 500 companies, government statutory boards to support them in their inner mental shifts to navigate the business challenges and demands.

GROW has since grown to a boutique firm with a team of close knitted pool of coaches and consultants. We have the track record of being appointed by our esteemed clients in their culture transformation journey over a period of years. These include the Changi Airport Group, Singapore General Hospital, Health Promotion Board, Urban Redevelopment Authority and Hilti Asia.

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