Dr. Lise Lewis
Bluesky International
Lise Lewis is a Master Coach | Mentor, relational leadership coach, individual and group supervisor and winner of global awards for coaching.
She is founder of Bluesky International established in 2000 offering EMCC Global accredited coaching, mentoring and supervisor training. Lise is supported in the delivery of programmes by professionally quaified practitioners and leaders in their area of specialism. She is also a faculty member for the EMCC accredited Diploma in Team Coaching Supervision.
Lise regularly contibutes articles and book chapters: publications include Managing Organisational Politics – Mentoring in Health, Social Care and Beyond – The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook and Coaching Supervision Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes. Her book Relational Feedback: Why Feedback Fails and How To Make It Meaningful was based on her doctoral research.
She has contributed to the development of the profession for 25+ years as a volunteer of EMCC Global including acting as EMCC Global VP External Relations, Global President (2011-2017) and currently as EMCC Global Special Ambassador.
Lise is compassionate and caring working to improve and support productive and nourishing relationships that holistically enrich people’s lives.
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