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Inspiring Collaborations and Contributions towards Professional Practice

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20/11/24 18:15



Includes a 90-minute session and 30-minute networking/break

Speaker name

 Job Title 



Session Materials
About The Session

In this session, you will hear from a panel of established and accredited professional practitioners about their current practices and on-going contributions in the field of coaching, mentoring and supervision.

The panel members will share their own coherent approaches drawing on their own experiences and expertise as well as current thinking in this field.

You will have the opportunity to participate in smaller groups to explore practices and engage in experiential learning in areas such as creative coaching and reflection, power and privilege in practice, ethical dilemmas and collaborative projects to build professional capabilities.

Each panel member will facilitate the following sessions:

Gillian Walter: Professional Reflective Practice using Art and Poetry

Rita Symons: How Power and Privilege show up in our Practice

Karl Van Hoey: When Coaching becomes Mentoring: Ethical Dilemmas & Contracting Challenges

Dorota Raniszewska: Use of Photography in Coaching

Jasna Knez: Building Coaching Capabilities and Accreditation Capacity

This session is ideal for those who are looking to expand their knowledge and practice as coaches, mentors and supervisors and further consolidate their practice and networks.

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