Harnessing the Power of Diversity in Global Mentoring
20/11/24 13:45
Includes a 90-minute session and 30-minute networking/break

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About The Session
We will focus on the theme of Collaboration by highlighting the impact that cross-border mentoring pairs can have on one another. By bringing together diverse perspectives from both mentors and mentees through our global cross-border programme, we aim to drive meaningful change that benefits both sides, fostering strong and successful mentoring partnerships that thrive over time.
By showcasing a case study of a mentoring pair and their shared successes, we will delve into how to make these relationships successful, demonstrating our approach and the impacts that diversity has. Finally, we'll bring it back to the featured pair to end on an inspiring note on transformative mentoring.
Participants will come away inspired and geared with deeper knowledge and understanding of the impacts and value of diversity in global mentoring, and how to harness the power to apply to their own mentoring practice.