LEGO® Bricks & Digital Bits: Hands-On Reflection with Emergent Objects
It is said that we think with the objects we love and we love the objects we think with. Bring your curiously experimental selves and join this experiential session where we see (and maybe even feel for ourselves) what surfaces when we meaning-make with emergent objects.
Emergent objects are emotional and intellectual companions that anchor memory, sustain relationships, and provoke new ideas for our thinkers. These objects can unhurriedly settle thinkers into the here-and-now while also help them to translate old unresourceful stories and enlighten new and sustainable narratives.
When we think with our hands, whether by snapping together LEGO® bricks or by manipulating the size and hue of digital icons on a whiteboard, building metaphorical ARTifacts help make-meaning of our cluttered minds and serve as a roadmap to navigate of our life's complex adaptive systems.
Please bring LEGO bricks and/or any object you can hold in your hand to the Session